Upgrades to the free InspectorPages account

InspectorPages has rolled out a few changes to our free accounts:

  1. You no longer have to sign up for free accounts.  All InterNACHI members automatically have free InspectorPages.com accounts.  All you have to do is go to http://inspector-pages.com/yourusername (replace “yourusername” with your InterNACHI members-only username) and you’re good to go.
  2. If you have an existing website, your InspectorPages URL will automatically redirect to your current website.  To understand the reasoning behind this decision, take a look at the InterNACHI blog post SEO and the Inspection Industry and check out a recent discussion about our Choosing a Domain Name blog post.

These changes should help ensure that those InterNACHI members without websites have them, and those with websites don’t dilute their existing site’s ranking by having multiple websites fighting for the same search placement.

And remember, if you have a DIY account, we just upgraded your storage limit from 50 MB to 1 GB.
