
*NEW* – Inspector Pages now offers a single, easy package

* The “Full” package includes all features of the previous “Managed” package, but Support tokens are paid for “as and when” – making things cheaper for you, and only costing you anything when you need changes – find out more HERE

Check out the features below:


* You must purchase your own domain from a domain registrar


– All of our sites are WordPress

– You get access to responsive themes, plugins, seo tools and more – which makes us better than the rest of the ‘build your own site’ services!

Satisfied Customer

“Wow! InspectorPages was a great find for me and my business. From the start of the sign-up process (which included 2 months free to get to know the system), to publishing my site, the customer service help was perfect. I could count on Danny to help me with any problems I ran up against. He was invaluable. I am very happy with my website and it’s continuing upgrades of functionality and ease of use.”

– Mike G. of Safety Home Service