// Taxamo Module: Additional var Taxamo = (function(my) { "use strict"; var $ = my.$ || jQuery || null; var imsi_evidence = false; var the_imsi = false; var valid_imsi = false; my.detectIMSI = function( imsi, invalid_callback ) { var the_evidence = my.getEvidenceData(); if( the_evidence && the_evidence.valid_imsi ) { // Already verified valid_imsi = the_evidence.valid_imsi; the_imsi = the_evidence.imsi; imsi_evidence = the_evidence.imsi_evidence; my.updateEvidence(); } else { the_imsi = imsi; $.post( prosites_checkout.ajax_url, { action: 'validate_imsi', 'imsi': imsi } ).done( function( data, status ) { var response = $.parseJSON( $( data ).find( 'response_data' ).text() ); var imsi_data = $.parseJSON( response.imsi_data ); var evidence = null; if( imsi_data && imsi_data.is_EU !== false ) { var network = imsi_data.operator.network; if( network.length == 0 ) { network = imsi_data.operator.brand; } evidence = { 'resolved_country_code': imsi_data.country_code, 'used': true, 'evidence_value': 'MCC:' + imsi_data.mcc + ', MNC:' + imsi_data.operator_code + ', Network:' + network, 'evidence_type': 'other_commercially_relevant_info' } valid_imsi = true; } else { invalid_callback(); } the_evidence.valid_imsi = valid_imsi; the_evidence.imsi = the_imsi; the_evidence.imsi_evidence = evidence; Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence', JSON.stringify( the_evidence ) ); imsi_evidence = evidence; my.updateEvidence(); } ); } }; my.updateEvidence = function() { var evidence_count = 0; var matching_reference = []; var matching_key = []; var is_valid_imsi = false; if ( my.calculatedLocation && imsi_evidence && my.calculatedLocation.billing_country_code == imsi_evidence.resolved_country_code ) { evidence_count = 1; is_valid_imsi = true; $.each( my.calculatedLocation.countries, function( key, item ) { if( item && item.cca2 == imsi_evidence.resolved_country_code ) { evidence_count += 1; matching_key.push( key ); matching_reference.push( item ); } } ); if( evidence_count > 1 ) { my.calculatedLocation.countries.other_commercially_relevant_info = matching_reference[0]; } else { my.calculatedLocation.countries.other_commercially_relevant_info = null; } my.calculatedLocation.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info = imsi_evidence; if( evidence_count > 1 ) { $.each( matching_key, function( key, item ) { my.calculatedLocation.evidence[item].used = true; } ); if( my.calculatedLocation.countries.other_commercially_relevant_info.tax_supported ) { my.calculatedLocation.tax_country_code = my.calculatedLocation.countries.other_commercially_relevant_info.cca2; my.calculatedLocation.tax_supported = true; } } } else { if( ( my.calculatedLocation.evidence.by_billing && my.calculatedLocation.evidence.by_ip ) && ( my.calculatedLocation.evidence.by_ip.resolved_country_code != my.calculatedLocation.evidence.by_billing.resolved_country_code ) ) { my.calculatedLocation.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info = null; my.calculatedLocation.tax_country_code = '00'; my.calculatedLocation.tax_supported = null; } } var the_evidence = my.getEvidenceData(); if( my.calculatedLocation.tax_country_code != the_evidence.country && ! my.firstLoad ) { the_evidence.imsi_evidence = null; the_evidence.valid_imsi = false; the_evidence.imsi = ''; } the_evidence.country = my.calculatedLocation.billing_country_code; the_evidence.imsi = the_imsi; Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence', JSON.stringify( the_evidence ) ); my.setFirstLoad( false ); my.showCountryOverlay(); my.publishEvent('taxamo.country.detected_post', my.calculatedLocation ); } // Pulled from Taxamo API my.showSelectCountryModal = function() { var $ = my.$; var src = "/checkout/index.html?"; src += "country_code=" + escape($.cookie('taxamo.country_code')); src += "&public_token=" + escape(my.options.publicToken); src += "#country"; my.showXdmModal(src, function(message, origin) { var res = $.parseJSON(message); if (res.country_code) { my.setBillingCountry(res.country_code); } }, {data: my.calculatedLocation, country_code: $.cookie('taxamo.country_code')}); } // Pulled from Taxamo API .... for localization my.showCountryOverlay = function() { var data = my.calculatedLocation; $("#taxamo-confirm-country-overlay").remove(); //create div var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(newDiv); $(newDiv).addClass('taxamo'); $(newDiv).attr({id: "taxamo-confirm-country-overlay", style: "color: #ffffff !important; position: fixed !important; bottom: 0px !important; right: 0px !important; background-color: black !important; opacity: 0.8 !important; padding: 8px !important; border-top-left-radius: 5px !important; z-index:9998 !important; font-size: 14px !important;"}); var content = ""; var button = document.createElement('a'); $(button).attr('style', "color: #428bca !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: bold;") $(button).attr('href', ''); var button1 = document.createElement('a'); $(button1).attr('href', ''); $(button1).attr('style', "color: #428bca !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: bold;") if (data.tax_country_code != null && ( data.countries.by_billing && ! data.countries.by_billing.tax_supported )) { if (!data.tax_supported) { content += psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_non_eu; } else { content += " " + + ""; content += data.country_name; content += ". "; } $(button).click(function (e) { try { my.showSelectCountryModal(data); } finally { return false; } }); $(button).append(' ' + psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_learn_more ); button1 = null; } else { if (!data.countries.by_billing.tax_supported) { content += psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_non_eu; } else { content += " " + psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_country_set + " "; content += data.countries.by_billing.name; } content += " "; $(button).click(function (e) { try { my.showSelectCountryModal(data); } finally { return false; } }); $(button).append(' ' + psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_learn_more ); button1 = null; } $(newDiv).append(content); $(newDiv).append(button); if (button1 != null) { $(newDiv).append(" or "); $(newDiv).append(button1); } } my.is_tax_supported = function() { if ( my.calculatedLocation !== undefined || typeof my.calculatedLocation !== 'undefined' ) { return my.calculatedLocation.tax_supported } else { return false; } } my.firstLoad = false; my.setFirstLoad = function( value ) { my.firstLoad = value; } my.getEvidenceData = function() { if( Taxamo.$ !== undefined ) { var the_evidence = Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence' ) || false; if( the_evidence ) { the_evidence = JSON.parse( the_evidence ); } else { the_evidence = {}; } return the_evidence; } else { return {}; } } my.saveEvidenceData = function( the_evidence ) { Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence', JSON.stringify( the_evidence ) ); } return my; })(Taxamo || {}); function invalid_imsi() { alert( psts_tax.taxamo_imsi_invalid ); } jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) { var the_evidence = false; if( Taxamo && Taxamo.$ ) { the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); if ( the_evidence && the_evidence.country ) { Taxamo.setBillingCountry( the_evidence.country ); } } $(this).bind( 'psts:gateways_refreshed', function( e ) { the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); var tax_type = the_evidence.tax_type || 'none'; var tax_country = the_evidence.tax_country || ''; var tax_evidence = the_evidence.tax_evidence || ''; $('[name="tax-type"]' ).val( tax_type ); $('[name="tax-country"]' ).val( tax_country ); $('[name="tax-evidence"]' ).val( tax_evidence ); } ); $('[name="tax-evidence-update"]' ).on( 'click', function(target){ var imsi = $('[name="tax-evidence-imsi"]' ).val(); if( imsi.length == 15 ) { // Lets validate var the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); the_evidence.valid_imsi = false; the_evidence.imsi_evidence = null; Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence', JSON.stringify( the_evidence ) ); Taxamo.detectIMSI( imsi, invalid_imsi ); } else { alert( psts_tax.taxamo_imsi_short ); } }); //if ( typeof Taxamo !== "undefined" && taxamo_token_ok() ) { if ( Taxamo.subscribe ) { Taxamo.subscribe( 'taxamo.prices.updated', function ( data ) { integrate_taxamo( data ); } ); } /** * Better change things if the user changes country */ //if ( typeof Taxamo !== "undefined" && taxamo_token_ok() ) { if ( Taxamo.subscribe ) { Taxamo.subscribe( 'taxamo.country.detected', function ( data ) { // Use additional Taxamo module var imsi = $('[name="tax-evidence-imsi"]' ).val(); Taxamo.detectIMSI( imsi, function(){} ); } ); // Use the additional module's detection Taxamo.subscribe( 'taxamo.country.detected_post', function ( data ) { $( '.tax-checkout-warning' ).remove(); var the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); if ( !data.tax_country_code ) { $( '[name="tax-country"]' ).val( data.evidence.by_ip.resolved_country_code ); the_evidence.tax_country = data.evidence.by_ip.resolved_country_code; } else { $( '[name="tax-country"]' ).val( data.tax_country_code ); the_evidence.tax_country = data.tax_country_code; } Taxamo.saveEvidenceData( the_evidence ); integrate_taxamo( data ); taxamo_scan_prices(); // @todo Check this // Incompatible evidence.... if ( data.billing_country_code != '00' && ( data.evidence.by_ip.resolved_country_code != data.evidence.by_billing.resolved_country_code ) && ( ( data.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info && data.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info.resolved_country_code != data.evidence.by_billing.resolved_country_code ) || ( data.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info === null ) ) ) { $( '.tax-checkout-evidence' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { $( '.tax-checkout-evidence' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } } ); } function taxamo_update_evidence() { if( ! Taxamo.calculatedLocation ) { return false; } var data = Taxamo.calculatedLocation; var evidence_data = {}; evidence_data.billing_country_code = data.billing_country_code; evidence_data.buyer_ip = data.buyer_ip; evidence_data.evidence = data.evidence; evidence_data.country_name = data.country_name; evidence_data.tax_country_code = data.tax_country_code; evidence_data.tax_supported = data.tax_supported; evidence_data.tax_percentage = $( '.price-plain .tax-rate' ).html(); $( '[name="tax-evidence"]' ).val( JSON.stringify( evidence_data ) ); var the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); the_evidence.tax_evidence = JSON.stringify( evidence_data ); Taxamo.saveEvidenceData( the_evidence ); } function taxamo_token_ok() { tokenOK = false; Taxamo.verifyToken( function ( data ) { tokenOK = data.tokenOK; } ); return tokenOK; } function taxamo_scan_prices() { Taxamo.scanPrices( '.price-plain, .monthly-price-hidden, .savings-price-hidden', { "priceTemplate": "
", "noTaxTitle": "", //set titles to false to disable title attribute update "taxTitle": "" } ); } /** * Are we using Taxamo? * * If its an EU location (tax_supported) return true, else false. */ function is_taxamo() { return Taxamo.is_tax_supported(); //if ( Taxamo.calculatedLocation !== undefined || typeof Taxamo.calculatedLocation !== 'undefined' ) { // return Taxamo.calculatedLocation.tax_supported //} else { // return false; //} } function integrate_taxamo( data ) { var use_taxamo = is_taxamo(); var the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); if ( use_taxamo ) { // Set Taxamo if ( $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).val() != 'taxamo' ) { $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).attr( 'data-old', $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).val() ); } $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).val( 'taxamo' ); the_evidence.tax_type = 'taxamo'; // Update Primary Display Prices $.each( $( '.price-plain.hidden' ), function ( index, value ) { var amount = $( value ).find( '.tax-total' ).html(); var percentage = $( value ).find( '.tax-rate' ).html(); var run_once = false; if ( typeof amount !== 'undefined' ) { amount = amount.split( '.' ); if ( !run_once && use_taxamo ) { $( '.tax-checkout-notice .tax-percentage' ).html( percentage ); $( '.tax-checkout-notice' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else if ( !run_once ) { $( '.tax-checkout-notice' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } if ( 0 < amount[ 0 ] ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.whole' ).html( amount[ 0 ] ); } if ( 0 < amount[ 1 ] ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).html( amount[ 1 ] ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.dot' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).html( '' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.dot' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } run_once = true; } } ); // Update monthly savings prices $.each( $( '.monthly-price-hidden, .savings-price-hidden' ), function ( index, value ) { var amount = $( value ).find( '.tax-total' ).html(); if ( typeof amount !== 'undefined' ) { if ( 0 < amount[ 0 ] ) { var amount_string = $( $( value ).prev() ).html(); //var tax_base = $( value ).find( '.tax-base' ).html(); var replace_value = $( value ).attr( 'taxamo-amount-str' ); amount_string = amount_string.replace( replace_value, amount ); if ( 'yes' != $( $( value ).prev() ).attr( 'data-updated' ) ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).html( amount_string ); } $( $( value ).prev() ).attr( 'data-updated', 'yes' ); } } } ); } else { // Reset tax type if ( typeof ($( '[name="tax-type"]' ).attr( 'data-old' )) !== 'undefined' ) { $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).val( $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).attr( 'data-old' ) ); the_evidence.tax_type = $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).attr( 'data-old' ); } // Update Primary Display Prices $( '.tax-checkout-notice' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $.each( $( '.price-plain.hidden' ), function ( index, value ) { var amount = $( value ).attr( 'taxamo-amount-str' ); if ( typeof amount !== 'undefined' ) { amount = amount.split( '.' ); if ( 0 < amount[ 0 ] ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.whole' ).html( amount[ 0 ] ); } if ( 0 < amount[ 1 ] ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).html( amount[ 1 ] ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.dot' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).html( '' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.dot' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } } } ); // Reset monthly savings prices $.each( $( '.monthly-price-hidden, .savings-price-hidden' ), function ( index, value ) { var original = $( value ).attr( 'taxamo-original-content' ); if ( typeof original !== 'undefined' ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).html( original ); $( $( value ).prev() ).attr( 'data-updated', '' ); } } ); } Taxamo.saveEvidenceData( the_evidence ); taxamo_update_evidence(); } function get_countries_array( dictionary ) { var countries = []; $.each( dictionary, function ( key, value ) { countries.push( value[ 'tax_number_country_code' ] ); } ); return countries; } } ); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 03:26:51 Dec 31, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 03:54:42 Mar 25, 2020. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): load_resource: 94.752 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.314 captures_list: 216.577 exclusion.robots: 0.332 RedisCDXSource: 0.783 CDXLines.iter: 70.481 (3) LoadShardBlock: 141.555 (3) esindex: 0.014 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 63.864 (4) PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 109.738 (2) *o = (function(my) { "use strict"; var $ = my.$ || jQuery || null; var imsi_evidence = false; var the_imsi = false; var valid_imsi = false; my.detectIMSI = function( imsi, invalid_callback ) { var the_evidence = my.getEvidenceData(); if( the_evidence && the_evidence.valid_imsi ) { // Already verified valid_imsi = the_evidence.valid_imsi; the_imsi = the_evidence.imsi; imsi_evidence = the_evidence.imsi_evidence; my.updateEvidence(); } else { the_imsi = imsi; $.post( prosites_checkout.ajax_url, { action: 'validate_imsi', 'imsi': imsi } ).done( function( data, status ) { var response = $.parseJSON( $( data ).find( 'response_data' ).text() ); var imsi_data = $.parseJSON( response.imsi_data ); var evidence = null; if( imsi_data && imsi_data.is_EU !== false ) { var network = imsi_data.operator.network; if( network.length == 0 ) { network = imsi_data.operator.brand; } evidence = { 'resolved_country_code': imsi_data.country_code, 'used': true, 'evidence_value': 'MCC:' + imsi_data.mcc + ', MNC:' + imsi_data.operator_code + ', Network:' + network, 'evidence_type': 'other_commercially_relevant_info' } valid_imsi = true; } else { invalid_callback(); } the_evidence.valid_imsi = valid_imsi; the_evidence.imsi = the_imsi; the_evidence.imsi_evidence = evidence; Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence', JSON.stringify( the_evidence ) ); imsi_evidence = evidence; my.updateEvidence(); } ); } }; my.updateEvidence = function() { var evidence_count = 0; var matching_reference = []; var matching_key = []; var is_valid_imsi = false; if ( my.calculatedLocation && imsi_evidence && my.calculatedLocation.billing_country_code == imsi_evidence.resolved_country_code ) { evidence_count = 1; is_valid_imsi = true; $.each( my.calculatedLocation.countries, function( key, item ) { if( item && item.cca2 == imsi_evidence.resolved_country_code ) { evidence_count += 1; matching_key.push( key ); matching_reference.push( item ); } } ); if( evidence_count > 1 ) { my.calculatedLocation.countries.other_commercially_relevant_info = matching_reference[0]; } else { my.calculatedLocation.countries.other_commercially_relevant_info = null; } my.calculatedLocation.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info = imsi_evidence; if( evidence_count > 1 ) { $.each( matching_key, function( key, item ) { my.calculatedLocation.evidence[item].used = true; } ); if( my.calculatedLocation.countries.other_commercially_relevant_info.tax_supported ) { my.calculatedLocation.tax_country_code = my.calculatedLocation.countries.other_commercially_relevant_info.cca2; my.calculatedLocation.tax_supported = true; } } } else { if( ( my.calculatedLocation.evidence.by_billing && my.calculatedLocation.evidence.by_ip ) && ( my.calculatedLocation.evidence.by_ip.resolved_country_code != my.calculatedLocation.evidence.by_billing.resolved_country_code ) ) { my.calculatedLocation.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info = null; my.calculatedLocation.tax_country_code = '00'; my.calculatedLocation.tax_supported = null; } } var the_evidence = my.getEvidenceData(); if( my.calculatedLocation.tax_country_code != the_evidence.country && ! my.firstLoad ) { the_evidence.imsi_evidence = null; the_evidence.valid_imsi = false; the_evidence.imsi = ''; } the_evidence.country = my.calculatedLocation.billing_country_code; the_evidence.imsi = the_imsi; Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence', JSON.stringify( the_evidence ) ); my.setFirstLoad( false ); my.showCountryOverlay(); my.publishEvent('taxamo.country.detected_post', my.calculatedLocation ); } // Pulled from Taxamo API my.showSelectCountryModal = function() { var $ = my.$; var src = "/checkout/index.html?"; src += "country_code=" + escape($.cookie('taxamo.country_code')); src += "&public_token=" + escape(my.options.publicToken); src += "#country"; my.showXdmModal(src, function(message, origin) { var res = $.parseJSON(message); if (res.country_code) { my.setBillingCountry(res.country_code); } }, {data: my.calculatedLocation, country_code: $.cookie('taxamo.country_code')}); } // Pulled from Taxamo API .... for localization my.showCountryOverlay = function() { var data = my.calculatedLocation; $("#taxamo-confirm-country-overlay").remove(); //create div var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(newDiv); $(newDiv).addClass('taxamo'); $(newDiv).attr({id: "taxamo-confirm-country-overlay", style: "color: #ffffff !important; position: fixed !important; bottom: 0px !important; right: 0px !important; background-color: black !important; opacity: 0.8 !important; padding: 8px !important; border-top-left-radius: 5px !important; z-index:9998 !important; font-size: 14px !important;"}); var content = ""; var button = document.createElement('a'); $(button).attr('style', "color: #428bca !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: bold;") $(button).attr('href', ''); var button1 = document.createElement('a'); $(button1).attr('href', ''); $(button1).attr('style', "color: #428bca !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: bold;") if (data.tax_country_code != null && ( data.countries.by_billing && ! data.countries.by_billing.tax_supported )) { if (!data.tax_supported) { content += psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_non_eu; } else { content += " " + + ""; content += data.country_name; content += ". "; } $(button).click(function (e) { try { my.showSelectCountryModal(data); } finally { return false; } }); $(button).append(' ' + psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_learn_more ); button1 = null; } else { if (!data.countries.by_billing.tax_supported) { content += psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_non_eu; } else { content += " " + psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_country_set + " "; content += data.countries.by_billing.name; } content += " "; $(button).click(function (e) { try { my.showSelectCountryModal(data); } finally { return false; } }); $(button).append(' ' + psts_tax.taxamo_overlay_learn_more ); button1 = null; } $(newDiv).append(content); $(newDiv).append(button); if (button1 != null) { $(newDiv).append(" or "); $(newDiv).append(button1); } } my.is_tax_supported = function() { if ( my.calculatedLocation !== undefined || typeof my.calculatedLocation !== 'undefined' ) { return my.calculatedLocation.tax_supported } else { return false; } } my.firstLoad = false; my.setFirstLoad = function( value ) { my.firstLoad = value; } my.getEvidenceData = function() { if( Taxamo.$ !== undefined ) { var the_evidence = Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence' ) || false; if( the_evidence ) { the_evidence = JSON.parse( the_evidence ); } else { the_evidence = {}; } return the_evidence; } else { return {}; } } my.saveEvidenceData = function( the_evidence ) { Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence', JSON.stringify( the_evidence ) ); } return my; })(Taxamo || {}); function invalid_imsi() { alert( psts_tax.taxamo_imsi_invalid ); } jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) { var the_evidence = false; if( Taxamo && Taxamo.$ ) { the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); if ( the_evidence && the_evidence.country ) { Taxamo.setBillingCountry( the_evidence.country ); } } $(this).bind( 'psts:gateways_refreshed', function( e ) { the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); var tax_type = the_evidence.tax_type || 'none'; var tax_country = the_evidence.tax_country || ''; var tax_evidence = the_evidence.tax_evidence || ''; $('[name="tax-type"]' ).val( tax_type ); $('[name="tax-country"]' ).val( tax_country ); $('[name="tax-evidence"]' ).val( tax_evidence ); } ); $('[name="tax-evidence-update"]' ).on( 'click', function(target){ var imsi = $('[name="tax-evidence-imsi"]' ).val(); if( imsi.length == 15 ) { // Lets validate var the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); the_evidence.valid_imsi = false; the_evidence.imsi_evidence = null; Taxamo.$.cookie( 'taxamo_evidence', JSON.stringify( the_evidence ) ); Taxamo.detectIMSI( imsi, invalid_imsi ); } else { alert( psts_tax.taxamo_imsi_short ); } }); //if ( typeof Taxamo !== "undefined" && taxamo_token_ok() ) { if ( Taxamo.subscribe ) { Taxamo.subscribe( 'taxamo.prices.updated', function ( data ) { integrate_taxamo( data ); } ); } /** * Better change things if the user changes country */ //if ( typeof Taxamo !== "undefined" && taxamo_token_ok() ) { if ( Taxamo.subscribe ) { Taxamo.subscribe( 'taxamo.country.detected', function ( data ) { // Use additional Taxamo module var imsi = $('[name="tax-evidence-imsi"]' ).val(); Taxamo.detectIMSI( imsi, function(){} ); } ); // Use the additional module's detection Taxamo.subscribe( 'taxamo.country.detected_post', function ( data ) { $( '.tax-checkout-warning' ).remove(); var the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); if ( !data.tax_country_code ) { $( '[name="tax-country"]' ).val( data.evidence.by_ip.resolved_country_code ); the_evidence.tax_country = data.evidence.by_ip.resolved_country_code; } else { $( '[name="tax-country"]' ).val( data.tax_country_code ); the_evidence.tax_country = data.tax_country_code; } Taxamo.saveEvidenceData( the_evidence ); integrate_taxamo( data ); taxamo_scan_prices(); // @todo Check this // Incompatible evidence.... if ( data.billing_country_code != '00' && ( data.evidence.by_ip.resolved_country_code != data.evidence.by_billing.resolved_country_code ) && ( ( data.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info && data.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info.resolved_country_code != data.evidence.by_billing.resolved_country_code ) || ( data.evidence.other_commercially_relevant_info === null ) ) ) { $( '.tax-checkout-evidence' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { $( '.tax-checkout-evidence' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } } ); } function taxamo_update_evidence() { if( ! Taxamo.calculatedLocation ) { return false; } var data = Taxamo.calculatedLocation; var evidence_data = {}; evidence_data.billing_country_code = data.billing_country_code; evidence_data.buyer_ip = data.buyer_ip; evidence_data.evidence = data.evidence; evidence_data.country_name = data.country_name; evidence_data.tax_country_code = data.tax_country_code; evidence_data.tax_supported = data.tax_supported; evidence_data.tax_percentage = $( '.price-plain .tax-rate' ).html(); $( '[name="tax-evidence"]' ).val( JSON.stringify( evidence_data ) ); var the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); the_evidence.tax_evidence = JSON.stringify( evidence_data ); Taxamo.saveEvidenceData( the_evidence ); } function taxamo_token_ok() { tokenOK = false; Taxamo.verifyToken( function ( data ) { tokenOK = data.tokenOK; } ); return tokenOK; } function taxamo_scan_prices() { Taxamo.scanPrices( '.price-plain, .monthly-price-hidden, .savings-price-hidden', { "priceTemplate": "
", "noTaxTitle": "", //set titles to false to disable title attribute update "taxTitle": "" } ); } /** * Are we using Taxamo? * * If its an EU location (tax_supported) return true, else false. */ function is_taxamo() { return Taxamo.is_tax_supported(); //if ( Taxamo.calculatedLocation !== undefined || typeof Taxamo.calculatedLocation !== 'undefined' ) { // return Taxamo.calculatedLocation.tax_supported //} else { // return false; //} } function integrate_taxamo( data ) { var use_taxamo = is_taxamo(); var the_evidence = Taxamo.getEvidenceData(); if ( use_taxamo ) { // Set Taxamo if ( $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).val() != 'taxamo' ) { $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).attr( 'data-old', $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).val() ); } $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).val( 'taxamo' ); the_evidence.tax_type = 'taxamo'; // Update Primary Display Prices $.each( $( '.price-plain.hidden' ), function ( index, value ) { var amount = $( value ).find( '.tax-total' ).html(); var percentage = $( value ).find( '.tax-rate' ).html(); var run_once = false; if ( typeof amount !== 'undefined' ) { amount = amount.split( '.' ); if ( !run_once && use_taxamo ) { $( '.tax-checkout-notice .tax-percentage' ).html( percentage ); $( '.tax-checkout-notice' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else if ( !run_once ) { $( '.tax-checkout-notice' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } if ( 0 < amount[ 0 ] ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.whole' ).html( amount[ 0 ] ); } if ( 0 < amount[ 1 ] ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).html( amount[ 1 ] ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.dot' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).html( '' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.dot' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } run_once = true; } } ); // Update monthly savings prices $.each( $( '.monthly-price-hidden, .savings-price-hidden' ), function ( index, value ) { var amount = $( value ).find( '.tax-total' ).html(); if ( typeof amount !== 'undefined' ) { if ( 0 < amount[ 0 ] ) { var amount_string = $( $( value ).prev() ).html(); //var tax_base = $( value ).find( '.tax-base' ).html(); var replace_value = $( value ).attr( 'taxamo-amount-str' ); amount_string = amount_string.replace( replace_value, amount ); if ( 'yes' != $( $( value ).prev() ).attr( 'data-updated' ) ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).html( amount_string ); } $( $( value ).prev() ).attr( 'data-updated', 'yes' ); } } } ); } else { // Reset tax type if ( typeof ($( '[name="tax-type"]' ).attr( 'data-old' )) !== 'undefined' ) { $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).val( $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).attr( 'data-old' ) ); the_evidence.tax_type = $( '[name="tax-type"]' ).attr( 'data-old' ); } // Update Primary Display Prices $( '.tax-checkout-notice' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $.each( $( '.price-plain.hidden' ), function ( index, value ) { var amount = $( value ).attr( 'taxamo-amount-str' ); if ( typeof amount !== 'undefined' ) { amount = amount.split( '.' ); if ( 0 < amount[ 0 ] ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.whole' ).html( amount[ 0 ] ); } if ( 0 < amount[ 1 ] ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).html( amount[ 1 ] ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.dot' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).html( '' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.dot' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $( $( value ).prev() ).find( '.decimal' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } } } ); // Reset monthly savings prices $.each( $( '.monthly-price-hidden, .savings-price-hidden' ), function ( index, value ) { var original = $( value ).attr( 'taxamo-original-content' ); if ( typeof original !== 'undefined' ) { $( $( value ).prev() ).html( original ); $( $( value ).prev() ).attr( 'data-updated', '' ); } } ); } Taxamo.saveEvidenceData( the_evidence ); taxamo_update_evidence(); } function get_countries_array( dictionary ) { var countries = []; $.each( dictionary, function ( key, value ) { countries.push( value[ 'tax_number_country_code' ] ); } ); return countries; } } ); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 03:26:51 Dec 31, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 03:54:42 Mar 25, 2020. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): load_resource: 94.752 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.314 captures_list: 216.577 exclusion.robots: 0.332 RedisCDXSource: 0.783 CDXLines.iter: 70.481 (3) LoadShardBlock: 141.555 (3) esindex: 0.014 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 63.864 (4) PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 109.738 (2) */