What the tailor did was evil. The bride should sue the hell out of the tailor. Mercy Aigbe should be ashamed of herself for posing on mass media with an outfit that is not her own at the expense or disadvantage of a bride on her supposedly happiest day of her life. Lots of people borrow pose to show what they are actually not. I wonder when some Nigerians would stop living their fake lives. There should be no enough apologies. The bride should sue both the tailor and mercy Aigbe because their actions were malicious and deliberate. She should not pity them. If she has no money to sue them, I can loan her some and when she wins the case and she is paid some money, she can return my money to me (no interest) or I can help her get a good lawyer anytime soon when I visit Nigeria. If I was the husband, brother or father to that bride, I would spend the last kobo I have to fight that tailor and mercy Aigbe in court. There are usually seven days in a week and 24 hours in a day. But heaven knows that I would work 10 out of the 7 days in a week and 30 hours out of the 24 hours in a day to raise money to fight them. I know that Nigeria is corrupt but I also know that God is just and will stand by my side because they have been very unfair to an innocent woman.It is very sad that humans can treat other humans with so much contempt and disdain. Do people still have conscience? I wonder. winter wedding guest dresses