What happens to the people when the progenitors of contemporary culture are exposed and outed? Those whose narratives message a meaningless to life. They have told us that gender lines are indistinct, fathers are not needed, masculinity is maligned and femininity distorted? Much like anyone exposed to trauma, there is a wearing away of hope, vision and trust. We trade transcendence for whatever meets the need to feel good in the moment. As these pillars of grace are eroded and celebrity is revealed in its vacuous reality, we are left with choices to make. We are not a conglomerate. We are individuals charged with the freedom and responsibility to act with integrity. Freedom happens when individuals are willing to accept that responsibility and work together to promote life. In all of these cases the golden rule is profoundly absent as the narcissistic focus takes hold. With no regard for truth or justice, what remains is the brute force of the Darwinian ethic. The one with the biggest gun rules and our humanity is crushed. what wedding garment to wear for a busty brides
The ideas of 'social justice' are a slight of hand deception that shifts the blame to a faceless whole as opposed to the individuals who make these choices. If we allow ourselves to dissolve into the nothingness of groupthink we will lose our dignity, uniqueness and ability to craft future pathways to wholeness. We can react or we can act. What happened to the family in San Francisco whose daughter was brutally murdered on a pier dying in the arms of her father is a stark and grotesque reflection of a culture unable to adjudicate the obvious. While some are obsessively pulling down all the boundaries of civil categories the others merely react. We have the opportunity to make better choices as we see the investment into popular culture in bankruptcy. It is an opportunity to put down our devices, make eye contact and begin once again to 'do unto others as we want others to do unto us'.... same old same old actually works!