Well it looks like that time again.
I currently have an Intern/Working Student position open. Duties include: Stall Cleaning, Feeding, Grooming, Saddling, Cooling down, and some riding. If you are interested or want to check out our place visit us at www.SteveKutie.com
Note: Since my wife has said I make the position sound too glamorus, the following is a more detailed description.
The hours are long and the pay is small. You will be tired and dirty everyday, and smell like a high school locker room covered up with Axe body spray. I will ride you like a rented mule until you figure out how to hang up my bridles correctly, and the fact that the stalls need to be cleaned everyday,even when I'm gone. You will have the opportunity to work on your social skills, such as always being polite and helpful to clients, even if you don't like them. You will learn the important life coping skill of working with little sleep while helping at shows or helping to fix a broken water line at 10:00 pm at night in the pissing rain with a 30mph wind in 20 degree temps, since the horses are thirsty and we all need showers. You will learn how to doctor sick or injured horses, with the bonus of figuring out how to keep yourself patched together while you are trying to ride with a severe case of swamp ass from the 110 degree Texas heat. You will have the chance to work with world class horses, as well as be humbled by the 11 hh pony that hates his life and yours. short homecoming wears in white
You will have housing provided. Yes, it is a small efficiency apartment 10x14, with a bed, bathroom and kitchenette, heat, and air. However, remember the size does not matter because you LOVE horses and will be spending most of your time in the barn. I will feed you two times per day. If you are a vegatarian, or can't handle spicy foods you will be very unhappy, and hungry, with most of the meal choices. Most of the time we have stuff to do 7 days a week. On a hard week, we work 8 days. We start at 5:00 am and finish when we get done.
The position is to teach you how to run a successful horse business, as well as show you how to train and care for horses, not to give you a mini vacation from your parents or your screwed up life. My life is already screwed up enough trying to survive in the horse biz and we (my wife) can only handle so much crazy. Remember this is better than college, because here you get paid to learn; in addition to having someone, that wants you to be successful, fix all of the mistakes you made while learning.
If you are willing to learn, REALLY want to be successful, and a hard worker than this positon might be for you. Also 90% of the time I'm right, the other half, I am too. There is a very good reason why I do all of the OCD things I do, like hanging up blankets with the neck hole to the left, looping my bridle reins a certian way, and sweeping the barn alley like we are in the army. If you have a better way I am willing to listen, but remember that I have been around for a long time and I still want you to put the Ibrooms bristles up.
I will go above and beyond to help you out if you are willing to learn.
So if you have read this far, you are still in the running. Send me an email or call me 940-841-0885.