A father's promise
A little ditty you may like and make you smile in amongst the shitstorm of negativity in the world at the moment.
The first time I held my 2 boys Joe 13 and Sammy 10, I made them the same promise. Wed have the best laugh, we'd do some proper cool things, I'd teach them to ride their first bike, to drive and I'd be there when they scored their first goal, their first try and when a girl breaks their heart. I'd take them to their first gig and that they'd always be safe as long as I'm around. I told them they are already lucky to have the best mam in the world and that I'd teach them that family, friends, laughing and music are the most important things in life. I told them to always be a gentleman and never be a dick and if they did this they'd be fine. I've tried my hardest to keep my promises and I'm lucky enough to be 100% so far and next Monday is the next one kept. I've kept them waiting years just so that kasabian is their first gig and they are old enough to appreciate how magnificent it will be. Monday. Cardiff. Kasabian. Sammy said he hopes they have a good gig and I promised him that they would absolutely smash it because everytime I've seen them they have. Without fail. So have a good one chaps, know that during vlad there will be 3 boys jumping as high as they can and having the time of their lives and thank you for helping me tick another one of the list. modest wedding wears for lds and mormon
With much love