Yes , Zubayra ZPM397 ...
Yout brother told me " Pilat never going to be free in Kazakhstan as he killed my brother in 1997 and dismembered ", " You stop a spy Kashgari come to Australia as husband to my daughter, Kashgari people killed my brother in 1997 in Kazakhstan.." " My blue eyed son ." ( 2015 , Pete Smith song "
In the last 1000 days killing and dismembering me with 7 billion people All Out war , not only Pomogranate , Enjur, Pumkin Punch , Grapes , Peer-review ... Actually in Omozon team team , there are all kinds of fruit SON representatives ! Everyone's voice I detected in blame me , with my hug 80+ yo Christmas father in front of 100+ Chinese students , he broke arm , sit on chair couldn't move , still didn't cancelled his each Friday Open House English conversation.. We need those kind of sprit on all language speaking training .. Even Mandarin, as I said Professor Zhou Yu was terrible bad accent only Mandarin user .. He grabbed three consecutive years teacher of state medal in 2000s! We don't put hard requirements on teaching and presentation in China and Australia.. I have seen same lecturers who are blaming me " your homework went to dog's mouth , it that true " insults this morning!
They didn't stop ZINA word , who I have PLAYED with !
They said : Pope ended his visit with a Price and humor..
Did I gave enough evidence to all MORON on the board !
Actually I was only one female circumcised FGM , in 2015, they mocked me Nigaria abolished FGM ! I still didn't know the hidden meaning, I reposted them .. Till early this year , I slowly picked up one after one through birthdays I remember.. only 12 months I am decoding..
Are you planning to find different way of surviving for your 100 team members?
I still have people who taught other hundreds of business subjects, never Theory of Accounting. You stripped that course for my early return plan in 2009, you stripped my daughter's healthy life , you stripped seven my family members as premature death , 1978,1999,2003,2003, 2012, 2016, 2017! aged 28 to 80, all of them were working the day of death .. with very special dates and days ..
You sent GOHER ( diamond necklace team means, original leg disabled Asiya -GOHER were sisters , their aunt married to my uncle in 1950s, I think they divorced.. they weren't hostile to us in 1980s, grandmother Jannet , school canteen lady in 1950s , used to buy things my brother sold, her son , SLAM , a bank manager , gave loan to my father over nearly 30 years on international business ) leg disabled Kashgari student to my house after my brother dead , her mother said " I lost all my siblings, only myself and my daughter left ).. Other Asiya ( also diamond team ) come forward around university area " my three children all alive ", short after my brother dead .. This Asiya ( diamond necklace team is not stopping, they sent messages through same names , however, they didn't hold exact same ethics or opinions. Yesterday on wechat she posted " come on , just start one good dance " it was her code in 1999 at my older sister's two sons ceremony in Urumqi , all in sudden she said " I think you and your sister danced too much ", actually both of us don't know uyghur traditional dancing, Asiya know but not that sweet and pleasant, her mouth smells so bad , it might be her digest system problem, we girls know it .. I only had burping and fart gas problems during my daughter's pregnancy and after birth . HEZLEK is not stopping that insult as late as this morning.... As I used to tell his face about his never painted walls and never moved rubbish filled under sofa , under dinner table .. mountains of staff there , in his mother's house in Urumqi , inherited from his ex wife, China Telecom apartments . I begged to his parents to paint it myself after his father diagnosed with lung cancer, I said what are you telling hundreds of people come to funeral visit ? Just start painting, let me do it ... She deadly refused .. Then father had second opinion and it wasn't cancer .. I am not saying I am perfectly gold medal earner on cleaning and put things in order . There was a woman called in XiAn, also come her with her husband Gheni from the village, that magician made backet walk in 1987. After we received sudden return call to Ghulja , we tried to transfer the restaurant to them and come back after my baby born .. His wife cleaned the kitchen.. It was horribly messy big basement like garage style room , she moved everything to outside by herself , very heavy rubbish there , she painted , put tables , put table clothes .. It turned into a guest room .. She did all things in a day by her own .. She was tall big shoes wearing woman.. her husband was a chief but couldn't focus on one thing in his lifetime.. He reversed the decision.. She angry, went to outside and walked alone , her husband's thief boys go everywhere to call her name at late night .. They are mocking me " this snake is on loose at middle of night .." , they were creating a story someone close to me , then blamed me for that scenario... I believe she can won biggest price to make messy places to artistic places ... My assistant Mav also looked like her , not in cleaning but making things down , can drug big pallets .. mature ladies wedding apparels in tea length
My mother never leave us alone if teeth smell , body smell discovered on her eyes ..
Abdurahman in Toronto also around , with his father's photo holding his grandson to the sky , just before his death in 2010. I talked to Abdurahman clearly , my all relationships on skype ! I don't know why he blamed me for his father's death , my refusal of his older brother's proposal in 2006, my jokes by reposting his older brother's new wedding photo with Dr Abida in Urumqi. On wechat , I said " he had big yellow teeth , my older sister gave comment ." That is how my three siblings all of us under Justin Tradau chopping board .. How is it possible, no women wouldn't gossip or comment each other's physical health , background, personality.. on wechat with close friends .. If you keep killing others just because they called you short , bold , set , yellow big teeth ... Why Gulmireh in Urumqi never killed her husband over nearly 30 years ? He joke around " my wife eats a lot , she got big two front teeth , nibbles.." . She doesn't care about it .. She jokes back .... At the end of the day , Urumqi based Gulmireh never kick out in laws or classmates over nearly 30 years as always had privilege lived in the center of CBD since we know her .. She would stand up and leave if she attended Melbourne based Gulmireh's damp only soft and untested polo party for five ladies at her Dandenong based house, decorated with thousands of dollars worth luxury new furniture and glass like clean floor .. no food or candies or gift pack to kids ! Rest of us never eye rolled one another as we weren't that close to each other .... My son takes candies at parties as i wasn't that hard to him , himself is a shy boy , I didn't want him become more quiet .. However I also bring things equal to my son would grab at other's house . You had the details my donations at any situation, poor or rich , to top or down ..
She is just a murder , no any more words to describe her last nearly 10 years of life in Melbourne as richest rich Uyghur housewife the WiFi..
That is the reason I am saying " they collected each other's code through my same named friend's memories with me , however, Urumqi based Gulmireh is clear " if they broke your relationship, you tell them , you can always find new friends "... Melbourne based WiFi Gulmireh is holding Urumqi based Gulmireh as her human shield and showing me " your upper arm was beaten by your son's father , we all together going to kill him "... That is non of her business! I am never meeting my son's father and his family members, however, I gave his son back to him with excellent skills and academic results.. I also left home at age of 17! I hardly lived with my parents more than 30 days together in same house over nearly 30 years ..
anyway , if my daughter successfully start talking, rest of things are just drama Asiya and her ten crew members wanted )..
At the moment, ShirAli have spoken , his wife wasn't telling him , her own relationship with top , we all know how other ladies called " men are dying 20 years earlier than wives " posts . We need to make thief kids stop wondering around inner China....At the same time , we won't stop fighting for independence one way or another....