Arthur Robert "Ransom" Newsom
You would think that after having 6 children that delivery would go sooner, but not so! After lots of pitocin, other drugs, breaking of water, and 75 hours of labor...this biggest baby Newsom came into the world.
They tried to induce me at 39+3 weeks, but this guy tried to hold out as long as he could!
He had to deal with jaundice and being under 3 lights for 2 days, but we came home finally after 6 days of being in the hospital from start to finish.
I started experiencing some odd symptoms after coming home and ended up spending an evening in the ER with getting an EKG, heart monitoring, a bad iv that hit a nerve, 3 failed catheters (that hurt worse than child birth), and no real answers to leave with.
In the end, we are all home, recovering slowly
I think my body was trying to recover from 6 days of constant monitoring in the hospital, about 8-10 hours TOTAL sleep during those 6 days, and mimicking some serious sleep apnea that worked itself out with essential oils and a few days in the bed over Thanksgiving weekend. extra sized wearing in formal situation
I appreciate your prayers - so many have asked about me and it warms my heart to know that you have interceded on my behalf.
Here is a peek at my Handsome "Ransom"