Good Morning my Friends! Can you believe it is December 1st ALREADY? A big celebration month is ahead of us all. But it does not have to add to the scale or your waist.
For our final DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY 30 DAY CHALLENGE of 2017, let's keep it easy but consistent. Whether you are starting again or have been watching from the side lines and are going to do this for the first time. This month we are taking it easy and focused on no matter where you are physically, you can pick the form that works for your physical limitations but Do Something Every Day. Finish your year by prepping for 2016. YOU ARE WORTH IT! extra sized items to wear of the prom that is not expensive
Here are your decisions:
o For your CORE determine the form of PLANK whether full on the ground, on your knees or against the wall.
o For your UPPER BODY determine the form PUSH UP that works for you - Full, Knees or against the Wall.
o For your wobbly, chicken arms there is the TRICEP DIPS or TRICEP CURLS.
o For your JOINTS, to flush your TOXINS, accelerate FAT LOSS and give your SKIN a FRESH NEW LOOK by working on your hydration --- begin by getting to at least 8 - 8 ounces of water a day and if you are really serious, how about a GALLON a day --- you can do it!
o Finally --- You Cannot Out Exercise a Bad Diet, so how about we start somewhere by beginning by trying to adjust a few habits --- 1) Eat Protein within 30-60 of waking 2) Don't go longer than 4 hours without eating; 3) Eat as many servings and different veggies each day with a serving of protein each time you eat, and 4) Don't eat carbs within 3 hours of going to bed.
If you are REALLY serious about your Health & Weight, PM me for a complementary consult to determine the level of program best suited for you - whether a 3 week jump start; 6 week kick off to the year or our elite 6 month in depth program. Education, guidance, support, accountability --- YOU ARE WORTH IT!
If you want a edge to battle the December 5-15 gain Trim Tea is back in stock ... if you haven't checked it out yet -- Worth a peak! Double Blind 10 week Study Average 6% body fat . 6 inches off waist and 28 lbs down.