So as I'm sat on a beach in Honolulu I've finally got a minute to start saying my thank yous. I really don't know where to start as there is so many, so firstly and mostly to my mum and dad for putting up with my attitude for the 18 months while we planned the wedding, you do both really deserved a medal with me
you gave me & Edward the wedding of our dreams there wasn't one thing we went without that we wanted, I know I'm biased but I'm pretty sure it was the best wedding I've ever been to. The food, the drinks, the music, the company, the venue and the room looked beautiful there was nothing else you could of done to make it any better than it was. You should both be so proud of yourselves custom formal dresses
me and edward made the best memories that we will have for the rest of our lives and that's all thanks to you both
Mum thank you for coming everywhere with me, giving me your opinion on everything and helping me with it all. Dad, thank you for wanting the absolute best of everything for me.
My chief bridesmaid Dione, she's going to be a pro at this soon I'm sure, you done an amazing job always being there whenever I needed anything and offering to be there even when I didn't need anything. You've been so thoughtful kind patient and caring through it all I think you deserve a medal too
I hope one day I get the pleasure of helping you with whatever kind of wedding you want. From worrying if our IDs will work to worrying about speeches I'm pretty sure we're always going to be there for the big stuff for each other thank you for being my best friend for nearly 10 years.
To all of my bridesmaids, what a beautiful bunch of people you are thank you for all helping me in your different ways with the wedding and everything else. You all know what you've done
I had the absolute best time at the wedding and I didn't have to worry about a thing or do anything
and that's all thanks to all of you. Big shoutout to sophie who stayed out the longest, was most probably the drunkest and she's the only one who's a mam and the baby was there too
Edwards ushers thank you all for helping out in all the ways you did you all looked lovely, everyone always says the ushers are useless that wasn't true in our case
Thank you to all of my mums friends who helped put the food out the morning of
A big thank you to my aunt gina, thank you for everything you done to help me and my mum, to help us plan, pick my dress, give your honest opinions, help my mum with her outfits and mostly helping in anyway you can to make me and my mum enjoy the wedding as much as we could. We're so lucky to have you
Thank you to my new mother & father in law, but to be honest there's nothing new really you've always welcomed me into your family like I'm your own, for the wonderful night before you put on and having everything I asked for it was a brilliant night a good time was had by all i was gutted I had to go in at 12
To my wonderful toast masters
you done a brilliant job thank you for doing it I know little charles was a bit nervous but on the day it didn't show at all, I appreciate it so much. Your dance had us in stitches
We are the luckiest two people having all 8 of our grandparents at our wedding, thank you all for being there
and all four of our grandads making brilliant speeches
To all of our speakers, we loved them all they was all so different can't believe how many people sung
There's is about a million other thank yous I should make, you all know who you are and I won't forget all the big and little things our friends and family did to make our wedding the best day of our lives
but I'm just going to make one more thank you to my husband for not taking Charles's offer at the alter, and marrying me making me the luckiest girl there is. Love you always
So I'm off to get a Mai Tai now Aloha