It has nearly been a month since I turned 30, and I have reflected on so much since then, and the thoughts keep coming. I've been thinking about how I'm shifting into this whole new decade of life, and what the previous decade has brought. So much life happened in my 20s. I touched the soil of Africa and Guatemala, survived two cancers, birthed FOUR babies and buried one, married my favorite guy, lost friends, gained family, learned what it means to really know Christ, encountered deep depression and some of the brightest joys I've ever known... and made plenty of choices along the way that affected who I am today. 2 piece outfits for homecoming
And so, as I was thinking about these things, I thought that I may speak to those of you living out your 20s now. I want say some things to you! So here I go --
Take to heart every lesson you're learning in these years and tuck them away for safe keeping. They are innumerable and invaluable. Get to know yourself. There's only ONE you...and only YOU can be enjoy being you! Nurture yourself and do what you need to do to like yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. MAKE GOOD CHOICES. Cliche', but true.
Travel. Anywhere and everywhere. Spend quality time with your grandparents if you are still blessed to have them. Those moments you think to call? DO. Be love and love big. Give yourself and others abundant grace. And don't be afraid to leap -- You just might find that you can fly.